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Regional Chapters

The primary objective of TONL's Regional Chapters is to participate in policy information and to provide a forum for special interest groups to advocate and seek support within the organization structure of TONL.

If you are a member of TONL but have not connected with your local group - here's your opportunity to check them out!

If you are a Nurse Executive and looking for an organization committed to your profession - look no further!


Here are the great regional chapters throughout Texas that will welcome you with open arms!

Crossroads Organization for Nursing Leadership (CONL)

Central Texas Organization for Nursing Leadership (CTONL)

Houston Organization for Nursing Leadership (HONL)

Lonestar Organization for Nursing Leadership (LONL)

North Central Organization for Nursing Leadership (NCONL)

North Texas Organization for Nursing Leadership (NTONL)

Permian Basin Organization for NursingLeadership (PBONL)

Panhandle Organization for Nursing Leadership (PONL)

South Central Texas Organization for Nursing Leadership (SCTONL)

South Plains Organization fot Nursing Leadership (SPONL)

South Texas Organization for Nursing Leadership (STONL)

Southwest Organization for NursingLeadership (SWONL)

West Texas Organization for NursingLeadership (WTONL)